Emes pro
- Responsive bootstrap template
- Joomla 3.3 template
- Joomla 3.4 template
- Header slider with text info for each slide.
- All module positions are fully collapsible
- 3 column template
- 30 Module positions
- 4 ready styles red, green, orange and blue
- Logo optional as image png or as text
- Horizontal menu in white or dark
- Floating menu on/off
- Smooth scrolling
- Footer fixed or relative
- Jquery on/off
- Back to top
- Background color chooser
- Large shortcodes
- Custom error page
- XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- CSS Based Tableless Design
- Mozilla/Firefox/IE/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly
For horizontal menu in modules for the menu you want select position mainmenu. In "Advance Options" for "Alternative Layout" select mainmenu. Put "Show Sub-menu items = yes" Module Class Suffix: red, orange, green, blue, grey, dark and white.